Team Up’s goal is that all young people practice physical, spiritual and emotional health. We ensure kids receive medical and dental care, have access to professional counseling and experience consistent spiritual support. Team Up Wellness Initiatives include:
•Medical Oversight: From helping families to schedule appointments to transporting children to appointments, Team Up makes sure each child is able to access critical medical and dental services throughout their childhood.
•Counseling Oversight: Since mental and emotional health are just as important as physical health, kids in Team Up also receive assistance around accessing counseling services.
Bible Club - Providing an outlet for young people to grow spiritually is also a vital part of Team Up’s approach to serving young people. Once a month Bible Clubs allows Team Up youth to explore and grow their faith in a supportive and caring environment.
•Summer Camp: From making sure kids are safe and supervised, to creating opportunities for skill development and FUN, Team Up makes sure kids receive seamless services over the summer break.
•Field Trips: Experiential learning is key to unlocking dreams in the hearts and minds of young people. Team Up provides opportunities for exploring the world around us through day and overnight trips.
•Nutrition: Understanding the impact a regular, nutritious diet can have on a child’s overall health, Team Up makes sure that all children in the program have access to healthy, nutritious food on a regular basis.