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Elementary Mentoring

The first step in Team Up’s unique approach to empowering young people affected by trauma involves mentoring from Pre-K through 5th grade. Team Up provides caring volunteer mentors who nurture little ones and provide education around four core areas: financial literacy, emotional regulation, career skills, and spiritual growth. Mentors meet with children twice a week and work alongside individual TEAMs to provide academic support, help accessing health care, transportation, and family support services.

Teen Leadership Academy

The Teen Leadership Academy is the next step in Team Up’s unique approach to empowering young people affected by trauma. Designed to help teens make responsible, healthy and informed choices, the Teen Leadership Academy provides youth with opportunities to receive life skills, leadership and personal empowerment training. Tackling issues related to substance abuse, relationships, personal finance, nutrition and mental health, the Teen Leadership Academy helps to equip teens with the skills and knowledge needed to step into the driver’s seat of their own lives. 

The Teen Leadership Academy also seeks to help young people meaningfully plug into their community through a number of community service and experiential learning opportunities. From college visits and leadership training, to substance abuse prevention campaigns and 


Team Up partners closely with local schools to monitor progress and facilitate parent/teach collaboration. We also recognize th at some students need an alternative educational environment to succeed. Team Up scholarships these kids to area private schools based on their academic needs.

•Teacher Liaison and Grade Monitoring: Team Up communicates on a regular basis with each student’s school and teachers. Checking grades on a weekly basis and communicating with teachers about the needs of each child, Team Up helps to monitor the success of each student in the program.
•Special Education Advocacy: Attending a meeting with school officials can be scary and overwhelming, especially when it deals with the specific needs of children in SPED programs. Team Up helps parents to navigate through each step of the Special Education process, working with schools, doctors, and specialists to ensure sure each child has access to the kind of care they need.
•1:1 Tutoring: Helping young people to excel academically is vital to their future success. That is why Team Up partners with licensed educators to provide 1:1 tutoring for children struggling in academic areas.
•Private School Scholarships: Helping a student to thrive academically sometimes requires providing alternative educational environments. Team Up does precisely this, helping students to attend private schools based on their individual academic needs.


Team Up’s goal is that all young people practice physical, spiritual and emotional health. We ensure kids receive medical and dental care, have access to professional counseling and experience consistent spiritual support. Team Up Wellness Initiatives include: 

•Medical Oversight: From helping families to schedule appointments to transporting children to appointments, Team Up makes sure each child is able to access critical medical and dental services throughout their childhood. 
•Counseling Oversight: Since mental and emotional health are just as important as physical health, kids in Team Up also receive assistance around accessing counseling services. 
Bible Club - Providing an outlet for young people to grow spiritually is also a vital part of Team Up’s approach to serving young people. Once a month Bible Clubs allows Team Up youth to explore and grow their faith in a supportive and caring environment. 
•Summer Camp: From making sure kids are safe and supervised, to creating opportunities for skill development and FUN, Team Up makes sure kids receive seamless services over the summer break. 
•Field Trips: Experiential learning is key to unlocking dreams in the hearts and minds of young people. Team Up provides opportunities for exploring the world around us through day and overnight trips.
•Nutrition: Understanding the impact a regular, nutritious diet can have on a child’s overall health, Team Up makes sure that all children in the program have access to healthy, nutritious food on a regular basis.


Making sure young people have access to Team Up and community services is critical to our mission to help young people succeed. From transporting kids to and from mentoring twice a week and daily rides to school for private school students to weekly counseling appointments and the occasional doctor’s appointment, we provided over 6000 rides kids-- racking up more than 125,500 miles over the past year. That’s enough miles to travel around the earth 5 times!
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